Our Team

  • Andrew Starr

    Andrew has a degree in Wine Marketing from Central Washington University. He is involved in all aspects of managing the vineyard and wine-making, in additional managing the tasting room.

  • Jennifer English Wallenberg

    Jennifer is part of the 5th generation of farming on English Farm. She grew up on the farm and is raising her two children there. She enjoys the cyclical nature of being involved with every aspect of wine-making - nurturing the grapevines throughout the year, picking the fruit at harvest, and then shepherding the wine through fermentation, aging, and into the bottle.

  • Sonja Karmy

    Sonja just earned her masters in teaching. She is also a digital marketng genius and takes great photographs.

  • Max

    As part of the pest mitigation team, Max keeps a sharp eye out for anything amiss. He prefers to work alone.

  • Simon

    When Simon isn’t helping his brother keep the barn safe from intruders, he’s likely to be in your lap.